what the f-ing damn hell is this damn godforsaken

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what the f-ing damn hell is this damn godforsakendear to whomsoever, or whosoever however said that it may concern: I being as I am that of the person of I myself, & regardless of whether, or not I am speaking some, or such of the proper, correct, standard English grammar being of the American dialect of quality/ies, & quantity/ies, well hopefully with that much less than much rather instead of with that much more usage/s of expletives of profanity, or cuss words, & as I think of it being of which is of a mind’s intentions to backtrack here with that being of some, or of such reason/s, &/or purpose/s so that in order that I myself being of that of my person as an individual with family, & friends, well much more of some, or of such business-associates permit me myself that being of the liberty/ies to say, &/or state for that being of the record, & not that that being of my person am meaning to sound, &/or seem like some kind, sort, or type of the proverbial wet blanket, or like an ebenezer scrooge, &/or whereas that being of the person of my same self am hoping, or wishing that I myself can, or could possibly finish up as in complete that being of a former, previous, or prior line of thought, &/or in that same sense of the word as I myself being of one, & the same of whom is composing this present letter of correspondence via this electronic medium of communications, & as I myself go on with that being of the following from where, & when I myself had last left off, & whereas I myself say as that being of a pilgrim upon this great journey of life, & whereas I would like to think that I myself am still in it bahis firmaları for that being of the long haul much rather than instead be in it for that being of the short trip, & this I myself say is regardless of how at one, or some, or such a given moment in time, or another I myself had literally, or actually had attempted to end my, or mine own life, yes I tried in that being of the past being of which was for a time-frame-period of more than quite a few calendar years ago, & this I myself say is like regardless of whether, or not back then I being of the, or a person of I myself as an individual had become, or had been subjected to experiencing some, or such of certain proverbial neighbors-from-hell of damn public-nuisances of problem-neighbors like some, or such being of whom I myself as an individual person have now for that being of my present living arrangements for a given vicinity area neighborhood community public facility real estate premises of properties being of whom are, or is among themselves going about with that being of the business at hand being of which is to prove the likes of themselves to come off misbehaving with that being of their violations of their own particular apartment leases, & all the while, or at the same time that they themselves disregard, or disrespect that being of the rights, &/or privileges of their fellow neighbors being of some, or of such other residents, or tenants, & whereas I myself am still trying to think to give these rather obnoxious neighbors that being of the benefit of a doubt that they themselves can, or could possibly try to think of it being kaçak iddaa of which is with a mind’s intentions to try to take care of the necessary business at hand being of which is to likewise continue to try to be about that of one’s own regimen with all things considered being of which is to pay that being of their monthly rent, & take care of the utilities, & that is including whatever else being of which I have not, or had not mentioned, but then nevertheless anybody being of whatsoever, or of whatever race, & likewise being of whatever walk of life, faction of society, or lifestyle preferences would not doubt that some, or such other is at times just as important to be taken care of likewise, or as well as some, or such that I myself have, or had mentioned, & other than how certain neighbors of residents, or tenants nevertheless find, or make some, or such time to attempt to harass, intimidate, &/or persecute, or bully some, or such others as they themselves feel this rather desperate, &/or sickening need to attempt to give their fellow neighbors just so much, excuse my language, &/or pardon my French, f-ing-b.s., as that being of the devil is like a roaring lion with his demons seeking to steal, kill, & destroy, & other than that, or with all things considered, & whereas I myself would just like to say that I don’t pledge allegiance, or loyalty to somebody, or something else unless they themselves being of individual persons, &/or collective bodies of people/s were truly an ally of loyalties much rather than instead of possibly being of the enemy for these here end-times, or for that being of an kaçak bahis apocalyptic day, & age, & whereas that being of the-doom’s-day-clock is now at a couple, or a few minutes to midnight compared on to how previously, or prior to then it was at a quarter to midnight for our new millennium, &/or for these biblically-prophetic-times of this post-911-era, & especially seeing how as that being of a calendar year goes by one after the other in succession, or following that being of another whereas it would more than seem like as if that being of the world is acquiring much, or many more phoneys within any given segment, or section of society as in trying to think to get over upon somebody else for whatever that being of the scheme, or scam may be, & therefore thus to compliment something being of which I myself had said, or mentioned earlier, & especially to be said in some, or such due regard, or in reference to the likes of any religious-church-hypocrite being of that of the worser, or worcest of two evils compared on to that being of the lesser being of a prodigal-son who could possibly play that being of the part of the-devil’s-advocate, & whereas those, or these religious-church-hypocrites would therefore be considered as being of those as they are among themselves whereas they themselves being of the religious-church-hypocrites would be considered as the worser, or worcest of unbeliever, or nonbelievers being of some, or of such deceivers who pretend to have become, or pretend to be believers in God, & so whereas all the same they themselves would be considered as being of the worser, or worcest of some, or of such closet-devil-worshippers being of whom make up the majority of church-goers being of whatsoever, or whatever religious denomination/s, so damn catholic-pope, &/or etc. being of whatever other con-artists, …

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