Someone’s Watching

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“He is so damn wrong about me, he has no idea. I am not a prude, he is just too pushy for me. I just asked him to slow down a little and not rush it and he huffed off like a child.”Sara slams the door behind her and enters her apartment. Finally safe, no more prying eyes, no one judging her. She starts a kettle for tea and begins to make a cup. Sitting near the window to the courtyard and enjoying her tea as the phone rings.“Hello”“How are you, so how was it?” Sara’s friend Lilly asked on the other end.“It was OK, nothing special, he seemed nice. Then in the car, he got a little handsy. Why are they always in such a hurry?” sighed Sara. “You know they think with the little head, sweet girl. They are not used to waiting for anything,” Lilly quips back.Sara laughs nervously, “If they weren’t running a race I could get comfortable, but you know, after the incident, I am very wary of them.”“Well, you have to istanbul travesti realize they are not all bad, some can even be decent if you let them,” Lilly snickers.“Still, if they would just be more patient, I mean I want to be a bad girl, a free spirit, but I need to get past the fear. I am so tired of being the church mouse, the ‘good little girl’. If they would just …” Sara glances out the window and something catches her eye.She can’t quite make it out but then it is suddenly in focus. It’s an eye. Someone across the courtyard is looking out their window through a small split in the drapes. She can just make out his eye and cheek. He appears to be standing at the window. She jumps up and jerks the curtains closed and practically runs into the kitchen away from the window in the living room. Leaning against the wall she gasps for air and slyly peeks around the corner at the closed travesti istanbul curtain and lets out, “DEAR GOD.” “SARA, what is going on? Are you ok, talk to me dammit,“ comes from the phone in her hand filling the room with her pleas? “SARAAA”.“I am so sorry. I have a peeping tom. I just caught him. Someone across the courtyard is watching me in the dark,” leaps from Sara’s mouth and into the phone. “Scared the hell outta me,” “Damn, you should call the law. That is so creepy,” Lilly says with a shaky tremor to her voice. “Do you want me to come over?”Sara laughs, again with that nervous chuckle, “Not at all. I am sure he is harmless, he was probably just looking out the window and I happened to look over. I’ll be OK. Call me tomorrow, please?”Hanging up sends a chill of alone up her spine. She should have told Lilly to come over because she is now starting to think of all the possibilities. istanbul travestileri What if he was watching her and knows she is alone. He could figure out what apartment she is in by counting the windows. Oh My GOD, she thinks out loud, “Did I lock the door? Should I check? Of course, I should, why am I falling apart? I am safe in my own apartment.” Moving quickly to the door. It is locked. She glances out the window in the door. Nothing to see outside, she starts to calm down, she even laughs a little, “You are the only person I know that can scare the shit out of yourself just by thinking.” Moving back into the living room, she picks up her things and takes them to the kitchen. Washing the cup and placing it in the drain, she turns, leans back against the counter, and wonders. “Did he leave, is he waiting for me to come back, does he watch for me or was it just chance?” the questions flow as the panic begins to return. She slowly moves back to the window and stands at the curtain seams. Gently, she pulls back one curtain just a tiny bit and peers across the courtyard. Focusing on the window across the way she sees the eye and jumps like she is electrocuted. 

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32