Dragons of Fraidel Ch. 06 Pt. 05
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A/N: Oh sweet I finally got through this next part. It’s always like this when I write. I come to a part that I have a hard time getting through, but once I get over it, it’s like a flood and I can’t stop writing! At least this time it didn’t fully take another year to get the next part out. Next part I can fully assure you that it’s the last part of Ch. 6. Definitely my longest chapter to date. Anyway, many thanks to my editor Todger65 for being SO patient with me! Hope ya’ll like this next part.
After lunch the rulers, their partners, and Ankor head toward the conference room. There was silence as they walked. Torrence and Cerulos led the way. The man recalled the last time the conference was here. It was four years ago and things were less complicated and more easygoing. What happened to the harmony between the clans? It really puzzled Torrence.
“Best focus on the matter at hand, Torrence.” Cerulos suggested telepathically.
Torrence turned to his partner and nodded.
Once they made it to their destination, the rulers sat down in designated seats with their partners beside them. Ankor sat in a seat on Torrence’s other side since he was in residence there currently. Even though Torrence was the host clan, all rulers had a chance to lead the meeting. This year it was Lord Garrison’s turn to lead.
Standing up, he said, “I will now call the Council of Fraidel to order. I thank Lord Torrence and the Water Dragon Clan for their hospitality. First things first, we’ll start with events that have happened within the past year. Lord Zephyr, since you’re to lead next year’s conference, you go first.”
Zephyr didn’t say much; only that he got engaged this past year. Next it was Torrence to speak.
“As all of you are aware, my father and brother and their partners, Gladius and Andros were killed this year. We’re still searching for the perpetrators, but there are very few leads. Only things we do know were they were ambushed and were located near the border of the Redstone Mountains.”
“Are you suggestion my clan had anything to do with that?” demanded Rowan, who stood up.
“Sit down; you’re acting out of order.” Vyx spoke up harshly.
Rowan glared at him, but sat down. Torrence sighed and continued.
“Also, this past year, I too got engaged recently with Lady Galeena, who is my soul mate.”
“I am curious about something Lord Torrence. Where is Lady Galeena from?” asked Hugo.
Torrence turned to the dark haired ruler. The man was genuinely curious. Since it was common knowledge amongst the rulers that there were other planets, he saw no issue with letting him know.
“She’s from another planet.” He said.
“And you two were still able to connect through dreams? I didn’t think that was possible for two people from different planets to be soul mates.” Commented Garrison.
“Yes it is intriguing. Are you sure she’s not originally from here?” questioned Vyx.
“I am sure. She was born there and her family lives there.” Çankaya travesti Torrence replied.
“So how did you travel to this planet and back?” asked Zephyr.
At this question, Ankor coughed into his hand, which drew attention to him.
“Oh, I see.” Zephyr grinned.
“Gentlemen, might I suggest you move on?” Cloe suggested.
All nodded in agreement and the meeting continued.
Next was Hugo, who announced that in the past year tremors started occurring in the central region of Nordina.
“It only just started several months ago. They’re small, but have been affecting the local area. Currently our cave experts are looking into it.” He announced.
“Want me to send some of my people since we get frequent tremors?” asked Rowan.
“Same here.” Added Garrison.
“No thanks. I’ll manage. I’ll contact you if I do.” Hugo answered.
Both rulers nodded. Hugo was used to solving his own issues. Still he was always cordial and rarely blamed anyone for anything. And considering how much he’d been through, that was saying something. While everyone in the room lost someone, Hugo lost his entire family in a short time frame. First he lost his twin brother, Hector, as a kid. Sad thing was no one knew what happened to the prince. It isn’t long after that, that a deadly outbreak of the slow killing disease, koragan, takes place and takes out a fourth of the Dark Dragon Clan, including the two rulers. Hugo’s paternal grandfather raised him until he turned 18 and became the new ruler. It wasn’t long after that the elderly man passes away. After Hugo finished his business, the conference moved on.
During this time, Galeena was with Lagina and the other guests. Currently they were outside touring the gardens. Galeena was encouraged to interact with the other royals and their partners. She decided to get to know Rowan’s family. Since Fiona was on duty, she could not converse with her or Eris. Instead, she talked with Lady Catherine and Pyros.
“I apologize for my son’s behavior earlier.” The former queen said.
“It is alright your majesty.”
“Rowan has always had a temper on him, just like his father, Rolland.” Chucked Pyros.
This brought a smile to Lady Catherine, but Galeena noticed it did not reach her eyes. She figured it had something to do with her husband’s death. Galeena could not possibly imagine how she would have reacted if she lost Torrence.
“Well, I certainly look forward to getting to know you and your family, your majesty.” Galeena replied sincerely.
“Thank you child. I do too.”
It was at that moment that Meridian showed up.
“How is Aila, Lady Catherine?” she asked enthusiastically, sliding her arm through the older woman’s arm.
This act did bring a bright smile to Catherine’s face.
“She’s doing well Meridian.”
“She is your other daughter right?” asked Galeena.
“Yes she is. I guess you’ve been learning the names of all the royals now, hmm?”
“Yes Çankaya travesti I have. It is pretty daunting.”
“I know the feeling dear. My own courtship with Rolland was fast too.”
“Yes, really. My Rolly was so impatient to be married, that he wanted to elope. My mother wouldn’t hear of it.”
This caused Galeena, Meridian, and their partners to laugh.
Galeena collapsed onto her bed after helping Lagina with the activities. Most of the things they did were outside, from walking in the gardens to playing croquet. Now it was break time before dinner.
“Verdius, I want to do something but not an activity that’ll tire me too much.” She told her partner.
Verdius thought for a moment and got an idea.
“You did promise me you’d play the piano for me.”
“I did, didn’t I? Problem is I don’t remember where the music room is from here.”
“Don’t worry! I actually know the route!”
Verdius got up and started waving his tail, which almost hit a few things.
“Okay, let’s go before you destroy anything.” Laughed Galeena.
Verdius was true to his word and did know the way to the royal music room. Immediately Galeena went to the grand piano and sat down. Instantly memories swarmed her. One moment stood out though and that was when she started talking again after losing her parents.
She had been coloring something when she heard a song being played on the piano. It was one she never heard before and being curious in nature, she went into the family room to see her grandmother playing the piano. Coming closer, she saw tears in the older woman’s eyes. Galeena stood there, feeling emotional herself. She had not spoken in over a year and rarely showed emotion since she learned of the death of her parents. Listening to the song though, she could not stop the tears from falling. Tess finally stopped and silently handed Galeena several tissues before blowing her nose.
“I created this song not long after your mother was born. She loved this song and had me play it at her wedding. I lost my will to play it after she died, but I realized just now that closing a part of myself up won’t make the pain go away and by playing I can honor her this way.” She explained.
Those words affected Galeena as she realized she had been doing the same thing; closing herself off to ease the pain, but in doing so she stopped living. Neither of her parents would want her to merely exist.
“I remember mama talking about this song. She said she could never capture the feel of it and that is why she never played it for me.” Galeena spoke for the first time in over a year, her voice a bit hoarse from the lack of use.
Tess turned to her in shock before hugging the child. Galeena returned it.
“Would you like me to teach you the song?” Tess asked her.
Galeena agreed and was able to grasp the feeling.
Thinking of her grandmother now brought tears to Galeena’s eyes.
“Galeena, are you Travesti Çankaya all right?” asked Verdius, feeling his partner’s emotions.
“Sorry Verdius. I was thinking of my grandma. She loved playing the piano. Anyway, I know what song to play. It is an original piece my grandmother created. It’s called Harmony after my late mom.”
Galeena started to play and Verdius was instantly mesmerized. Even though the room was sound proof, the door was left opened, so sound seeped out of the room. Ankor was nearby and felt the hairs at the back of his neck rise once he heard the melody. Following the sound, he caught whiffs of magic as the air stirred. Soon he found the music room and saw that it was Galeena who gave off the aura of magic. It surprised him a bit since he never caught any hints of Galeena having magic, even though he knew Earth used to have magic users in abundance. Ankor didn’t want to interrupt her song so he slowly came into the room and listen.
As the melody began to build, the magic grew and others began to hear the song. It attracted the attention of the other rulers and Torrence’s family and their partners. All of them eventually found their way to the music, Torrence and Cerulos being the last ones to arrive. Most of thee listeners were sensitive to magic and felt it. It was pretty obvious that Galeena was in her own world. So when she finally stopped playing, the applause caught her off guard, and she gasped as she turned around on the seat. Verdius was quick to his feet to protect his partner, but immediately relaxed, seeing who it was.
“Oh my! I am sorry. Did I disrupt you with my playing? I totally forgot to close the door.” Galeena replied, recovering her senses.
Ankor raised an eyebrow. It seemed Galeena did not know she had magic within her.
“It was no trouble my dear. That song was enchanting.” Ankor said.
“Indeed it was Galeena. Do you know who composed it? I never heard of this melody before.” Coreal requested.
The dragon was a lover of music.
“My grandmother. She called it Harmony, after my late mother.” Galeena replied, trying to keep the emotion out of her voice.
However there was no way for her to hide her emotions from her eyes. Verdius came close and rubbed against her side, before Torrence came forward and embraced her.
“Let’s leave them alone folks.” Ankor suggested.
Everyone else nodded and left. Even Verdius left but stayed right outside the door with Cerulos. Torrence continued to hold Galeena and she felt safe in his embrace. Soon she pulled back a bit to look at him and smiled gently. Torrence returned it.
“Feel better?” he asked.
“Yes, thank you. I am sorry if my playing interrupted your duties.”
“I wasn’t on duty. Even kings need breaks.”
“Want to do something together before we do go back to our duties?”
This earned a chuckle out of Torrence and the couple left the room.
A/N: D’awwww. Having experienced loss myself, Galeena and Tess’s relationship really hits home to me since my own late maternal grandma and I were very close. Anyway, I am still doing my best to incorporate dragons here besides Verdius. Next I’ll be uploading a new segment of Stones of Incienda. Feedback is very much appreciated folks.
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