All That Glitters Ch. 36
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New titles, UDC acknowledgement, a naming ceremony.
The humans gain Pod-Drran titles. The Sentient Community Embassies are acknowledged by the UDC. An intimate Naming Ceremony.
© bigtddybr July 2021. This story ‘All That Glitters – Ch 36’ or the series ‘All That Glitters’ cannot be transferred to any other site besides in whole or in part without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and bigtddybr must be credited for this work.
Due to the number of abbreviations, ship listings, and list of characters, in this story, I include a glossary that is now in a stand-alone chapter called ‘All That Glitters: Notes’. Any and all information that you want or need to know about the series is included in Notes. It will be updated frequently simply by re-issuing the chapter to Literotica.
There is little attempt to explain the back story, so it is necessary to read previous chapters to fully understand where we are.
As before, I claim sole responsibility for the story line. This story is a fantasy, with no basis in reality. Any similarity that you may perceive to current events, people, or situations real or imaginary is completely unintended. Look no further than the story line for its intent and purpose.
A big shout out to SaddleRider for all the help she has provided in editing. With her guidance, I’m making fewer and fewer errors, but she still finds them. If you find any errors still left in this chapter, they are mine.
Please rate and comment. But keep your comments respectful. If you rant and rave or are disrespectful in your commentary, it will be deleted.
‘Nuff said…enjoy.
The Imperial Palace, Pod-Drran Home World (Pod-Saar), Sharanas System, Twelve Light Years from the Piscium System
The Kumar-Pair were sitting on their respective thrones in the small throne room, watching the monitors as more and more members of the news services came into the Great Hall. The statement from the previous day had attracted great attention from around the globe.
The Chief of Services was working to place the Media people for the upcoming news conference while allowing nothing to be blocked. The palace’s own vid system would be in operation as well, and the Chief of Services did not want that to be interfered with by the reporters.
While the Pod-Drran news services did not do a scrum, like Terran news services did, this was a most unusual news item and representatives from all over the globe were requesting access.
The Seneschal approached the throne and bowed.
“We are ready, My Kumar-Pair,” he told them.
The Kumar-Pair moved into the Great Hall, with the remaining Kumir-Rai/Ro in attendance. Four of their sisters and brothers had been killed and four others seriously wounded. The remainder all had small wounds of some kind, earned in the previous days combat.
All in the Great Hall kneeled as the Kumar-Pair took their respective thrones. The Kumaraie signalled the Chief of Services.
“Please start the palace vid feed and make the opening statement that WE gave,” the Kumaraie instructed after taking her seat on her throne.
The Chief of Services turned and signaled the news services, who focused on the thrones and became very attentive. The scene before them was unprecedented. There were over two thousand Pod-Drran and humans in the Great Hall many waiting to be elevated to the level of Kai or Sai as a group, something that had only occurred a few times in the history of the people. Many were seated or in repose on palates as they were still being attended to by the Chiksta-Dae, the medical services.
The palace’s Speaker stamped his staff against the floor and all talking and fidgeting stopped.
“The Kumar-Pair are pleased to announce the elevation of many who fought yesterday against those who would overthrow the existing Kumar-Pair and their government. By the Goddess’ will, they were defeated by those who now stand in this Great Hall, at great risk to life and limb for many,” The Speaker turned the staff towards the Chief of Service, stamped his staff and proclaimed, “The Chief of Services may speak.”
“By the grace of the Goddess, the Atohan, the combined forces of the Pod-Drran and the Human’s, those who have attacked the Kumar-Pair have failed in their assault. It has, unfortunately, led to many deaths and serious injuries including the loss of limbs.” The Chief of Services turned and bowed to the Kumaraie, who rose to speak.
“By Imperial Proclamation, no Pod-Drran who has lost a limb yesterday is permitted to go to the great beyond, as the Humans have a method to regrow lost limbs. WE have decreed that until we can confirm if this method will work for the Pod-Drran, we will not permit further loss of life.
“While it is tradition for a Warrior who is no longer capable of fighting to seek an honorable death, WE would demand that they continue in OUR service if possible. Ataköy travesti WE will know in a few weeks if this thing is medically viable for OUR people,” the Kumaraie finished speaking and nodded to the Chief of Services, who again took up his speech.
“Five thousand one hundred and thirty-eight members of eight Great Houses attacked the Palace yesterday and failed in their attempt to assassinate the Kumar-Pair or to overthrow the government.
“Of those attackers, 684 were killed during the combat, the remaining were captured alive, some with severe injuries. They were given the option to swear fealty under the watching eyes of the Atohan and the Chlaerge, or to refuse and be punished for their actions.
“One hundred and ninety-eight of the elders of these houses refused to swear fealty and were subsequently arrested. A further 252 failed in their oath of fealty and were arrested.
“It is apparent from the conversations of those who successfully swore fealty that these eight Great Houses had been giving their own version of recent history to the members of these houses, speaking of the Kumaraie as if she was a wicked person who should be deposed.
“They of course believed their elders and sided with their houses, though with misgivings. When it became apparent that this was not true, they swore fealty to the Kumar-Pair, passing muster under the gaze of the Atohan and the Chlaerge.
“What changed the situation was the pronouncement by the Atohan that the Kumaraie carried the return of Goddess within her. A pronouncement given by her directly by the Goddess herself. This changed the mindset of rank and file of the Great Houses that attacked the palace yesterday and they swore true fealty to the Kumar-Pair.
“The Imperial Palace has made a new proclamation, that the Great Houses will no longer be given open access to the Imperial Palace, that only those among the Great Houses and the Lesser Houses, who have made significant achievements will be permitted access to the Great Hall, as individuals, not as a house, whether they be Warrior Class or any other class, a significant achievement is the only way to gain access to the Great Hall without invitation.
“Those of the Warrior Class who have been elevated to Kai, or Sai, will be permitted to access the Great Hall. Those of the other orders who can show a significant achievement in their service to the people, will be permitted access to the Great Hall.
“Reviews are currently ongoing to acknowledge the great of all of our people. A house will only be named a Great House and given access to the Great Hall if significant numbers of the members of the house have achieved access to the Great Hall on their own.”
Once again, the Chief of Services turned and bowed to the Kumaraie, who rose to speak.
“Here before US, are those who have acquitted themselves with honour. All of you came to defend US against a foe from within our own people. For this WE are eternally grateful.
“Amongst you are those who did more than others, who have made acts of challenge and bravery of significant note. These individuals will be elevated to the level of Kai or Sai for their actions yesterday.
“This does not only include the Warrior Class, but members of the Medical Class as well. Those who risked their lives to pull the wounded from the clutches of the enemy and who treated the injured while combat swirled around them.
“One, a Tae, stepped in front of a Kaldar, at the cost of her own life, to protect a Sin-Dae and an injured Rai she was working on. Hur-Tre Tae will be elevated posthumously to the level of Sai, and her family given the distinction of her elevation as they prepare her body for burial.
“The humans, too, acted with great bravery, stepping in front of beam weapons to save their fellow warriors of another race, at great risk to life and limb. Many of those received injury as even the best amour cannot fully protect a person from a beam weapon.
“The names of all who now stand in this hall will be entered into the Great Book of Pod-Drran History, as an acknowledgement for their actions yesterday. Many of you will achieve elevation, this day, including many humans.”
The Kumaraie sat and nodded to the Chief of Services, who began to call out the names of the Pod-Drran and humans who were injured and who would receive compensation for their injury from the crown.
Next, the Chief of Services called out the names of those who were to be elevated to the level of Kai, one who had defeated a foe in single combat. One by one they came forward, to have the word Kai added to their name and to receive a monetary reward of 50,000 Layes for their achievement.
Then, the names of those to be elevated to Sai, Pod-Drran and humans alike, including the representative from the House of Tre in recognition of the selfless heroism of Hur-Tre Sai-Tae.
Included on this list were Jurte Kur-Han Sai-Ro, Tin-Ur Ataköy travestileri Sai-Rai, Kord-Ur Sai-Ro, Katanya Sai-San-Dae, Kayl-Ur Sai-Sin-Dae, and Hend-Ur Sai-San-Dan, the later three had risked their lives in the middle of combat to save Pod-Drran who had been injured.
Finally, surprisingly, Fayad Piscium Sai-Ro, who killed several Pod-Drran trying to attack the Atohan. They all received a monetary reward of 100,000 Layes.
Finally, the Kumaraie stood and called the Atohan forward.
“Three times have you acted to save US, from harm, Atohan, at much risk to yourself each time. Your mate, using only a knife, had to fight off those that wanted to kill you yesterday.
“WE note the tooth of a great water monster that you wear that Jurte Sha-Ret Sai-Rai tells US Fayad killed in order to save you before he became your mate,” the Kumaraie stated.
Junelliya smiled and called up the image of the shark she had on her comp. The Kumar-Pair gasped in surprise at the size of the beast and the many rows of teeth it displayed. They and the Kumir-Rai/Ro, looked at Fayad with newfound respect upon seeing the image.
“Yes, WE would have wanted to have Fayad as OUR mate had he saved US from such a beast,” the Kumaraie stated, getting laughter from all in the Great Hall.
“WE have asked you previously what WE can do to show OUR appreciation of your actions, you have always refused US, saying you did not do things in order to gain recognition, but because they needed to be done. A remarkable and very un-Pod-Drran like stance.
“However, this time WE must insist on rewarding you.”
The Kumaraie turned and signalled one of her Kumir-Rai who brought a small chest she presented to Junelliya, the Cats calling out happily when the chest was presented.
“This contains OUR thanks for your actions, and a personal missive from US,” the Kumaraie stated. “WE ask you not to open the seal on the chest until you return to your home.”
The Kumar-Pair gave Junelliya a small bow and then had her stand one step below the throne. The Chief of Services ushered all the days recipients unto the steps. Because of his cat riding his shoulder, Fayad was placed one step below the Atohan and slightly to her right. Those elevated to Sai two steps below him, and those elevated to Kai two steps further down, the honoured injured but not elevated, again placed two steps further down. Images were taken of them while those in the Great Hall cheered and clapped in the Pod-Drran or human way.
The Palace Speaker stamped his staff of office and declared the awards ceremony closed.
When everyone had stepped down from the steps, the Kumara asked Junelliya and Fayad to approach.
“What you have received from US is but a small token of how WE feel about you, Atohan. WE would ask one other thing of you, the symbol you showed US yesterday, the one you claimed to be the symbol of your order?” she stated, getting a nod from Junelliya. “WE ask that you wear this symbol from now on in OUR presence so that WE may acknowledge your order.”
Junelliya smiled and placed the large copy of her pin to her dress, then bowed low to the Kumar-Pair or as low as she could given her gravid state.
Junelliya began to flag a little, Fayad having to hold her elbow.
“Ah, you are indeed at the end of your term,” the Kumaraie noted, smiling. “You have OUR permission to miss the banquet tonight, Atohan, as WE know that you need to return to your medical staff and be seen to. Protect your brood, OUR Goddaughter. WE look forward to the Naming Ceremony,” the Kumaraie ended.
With that dismissal, Junelliya, Fayad, and Katanya returned to the room they had stayed in the previous night, so that Katanya could take a look at Junelliya.
“You and the baby are doing well, Junelliya,” Katanya reassured the couple after scanning her. “However, you have taxed yourself rather heavily over the past few days. I strongly suggest you get some sleep and take the Kumaraie’s advise to not partake in the banquet. Fayad, make sure she stays in bed tonight,” she ordered with a wink to him.
Junelliya and Fayad smiled and told her, as they held each others hand, that they would listen to her advice.
Piscium Family Quarter, Hotel Deck, Liramor-23, Piscium System, 106 Light Years from Terra
Hanalei was talking to her financial advisor, Jean Dumont from her home on Hotel Deck the day of the awards ceremony on the Pod-Drran Home World, now tentatively called Pod-Saar.
Having purchased a new and much more secure wrist comp, Hanalei could now talk to him with fewer worries about security for the internet vid-link. With her was Liea Samson. The pair were sipping tea as they listened to Jean’s information.
“I have had the opportunity to look at the information you gave me over the last forty-eight hours, Hanalei. According to the notes, Wassim Andjuran has an extensive list of properties, including Travesti Ataköy part ownership in a shipbuilding station and a mining platform, which the TGA confiscated outright but compensated the estate of the soon to be late Andjuran for that seizure. That compensation became part of your cash settlement.
“It was interesting talking to those who are managing the properties you now own. I had originally thought that you might be receiving twenty-five to fifty million credits in annual revenue from these properties, however, it turns out the eight major sites you own outright will bring an annual dividend closer to 200 million credits. There will be an additional thirty to forty million annual return from the remaining fourteen sites you are part owner of,” Dumont explained, shocking Hanalei.
“Andjuran’s financial wizard had apparently hidden much of the annual returns from TGA scrutiny,” Dumont continued. “I suspect that the firm looking into his finances relied heavily on Andjuran’s statements without actually touching base with any of the property managers or did touch base with a few and those replies tied in nicely with what was in the statements, so they didn’t bother being more thorough, otherwise, you might not have gotten many of these properties.
“That being said, of all the property managers, I did not like what I saw in the Bonn properties in Europe. I believe that this managing corporation is a criminal organization in operation as the revenues are probably being skimmed by them. That is the only reason that could account for the lower returns from that property, which just does not fit the local financial situation in Bonn,” Jean told her.
“I would advise selling that property outright, but that would only place the problem in another person’s hands and would come back to haunt you if you sold them the property without telling them of the risk.
“Firing the property management corporation and hiring another should probably be the first thing you need to do before you could sell the property but that could be difficult as the criminal organization behind the corporation would likely fight hard to keep that asset.
“Besides skimming the profits, such properties are useful tools for laundering money to turn criminal money legitimate. A criminal organization that has this type of property can make good use of it for all kinds of purposes and will fight hard to keep access to it for their own uses. The only win here is to deal with the criminal element, which posses risks of it’s own.
“Leave that to me for a bit more before we make some decisions on Bonn. I will see what I can do to rectify the situation there.
“Denders resort is an interesting situation. It appears that our erstwhile friend, Wassim Andjuran, bought stock in the resort simply because it was next door and he needed some place to put his immense fortune to keep it from the eyes of the law.
“He initially bought a fifteen percent stake in the resort. Over the three years he was buying stock in the resort, he managed to get hold of a total forty-three percent of the Denders stock, giving him serious voting rights in the operation, which means that you now have that. All that means is that YOU are now THE major stockholder in the resort.
“Dender’s stocks are currently valued at 115 credits on 1.5 million available shares for a total stock worth of 178,250,000 million credits on a 1.5 billion credit asset. The Denders Hotelier Group owns thirty-eight percent of the stock with an additional sixty-two percent available to the public of which you own forty-three percent of the stock leaving nineteen percent still available to the public.”
“I thought that management corporations normally held onto fifty-one percent of stocks in order to prevent a public takeover?” Hanalei questioned.
“Normally, such groups would hold between forty and fifty-five percent of stock. Thirty-eight percent is low, though not unheard of.
“When the Denders Hotelier Group put out the initial outlay of stocks, they only would have had so much money to buy those stocks. They had anticipated that the stocks would be worth only so much, however, Denders stock came out during a sudden surge on resort stock prices, so they only managed to purchase a total of thirty-five percent. They have been trying to buy more stock back, but most of the shareholders are selling to other shareholders rather than the managers, as that keeps the stock prices up and provides higher dividends.
“Until the advent of Wassim Andjuran, this was OK, as most people had not amassed more than fifteen percent of the shares. Andjuran sweet-talked or strong-armed his way into purchasing more and more stock until he had forty-three percent of 1.5 million shares, or 645,000 shares at 115 credits per share at current prices, a total value of 74,175,000 credits, the value being much lower when he purchased it.
“Denders is a seasonal operation, being mostly non-existent in the high heat and humidity of the summer months, with something like 600-1,000 guests average from June to September but averaging close to 10,000 at other times of the year. They are set up to handle roughly 16,000 guests but have yet to fully book the resort.
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